Upon turning into a Mafioso, previous Frames will remain on the target.Framed targets will appear to be a Framer, Vampire, Jester (and Hex Master, if playing with the Coven Expansion) to an Investigator.Framed targets will show up as "suspicious" to the Sheriff.Your Frames take priority over an Arsonist Douse. Framing a target will show them as suspicious until they are investigated. You can choose a target to Frame each Night.Who knew where a few old documents could get you? ( credit)

As the meeting for the day concluded and almost everyone went back to their homes, the Framer congratulated himself on what he had accomplished. The Framer noted the irony in the Sheriff's spiel with his fellow Mafia comrades while the rest of the town turned a blind eye to the incognito Mafia, and one of the brave citizens shouted out loud to jail and execute the Sheriff for his mistake. just the words of the deceased townsfolk. Her last will held not her words of dedication to the Mafia. He led the Medium's execution, and then realized as she breathed her last. The Medium tried to defend herself to the best of her abilities, claiming that one would have to be an abject fool to think that those notes could correlate to the Mafia, but fortunately (or unfortunately, in the Medium's case), the Sheriff's years of experience led him to believe that he really had genuine info.

He then pulled out a handful of crumpled notes, detailing the locations of shady out-of-town meetings at night and written in blood-red ink while starting his 'death to the Mafia' spiel. "I've found evidence linking her to the Mafia!" the venerable Sheriff declared as he pointed to the confused Medium. Kill anyone that will not submit to the Mafia.